Sunday 7 June 2015


Everyone is getting married and having babies,but you are still single and keeping your fingers crossed that soon you’ll meet The One. When the waiting gets too long, some singles hurry off and marry the first person that breathes in their direction, only for that marriage
to end in a divorce later. Every day people marry for various reasons and then later realize they weren’t really ready for it
at all. So how can you tell whether you’re fully ready to begin marital life?

Check out these key signs below:

1. You know your reasons for getting
married: All over the Internet you see pictures of beautiful wedding dresses and stylish suits, but is that really what you are after? Do just want to be able to brag to your other single friends that you are now married or do you look forward to spending your life with your partner? Think about why you want to get
married. What benefits will you get from
marrying your partner, as opposed to
continuing your relationship as it is? Ask
yourself these candid questions and make sure you’re ready for marriage.

2. You’re preparing for a marriage, not a
wedding:Weddings are not only fun, but they also give you a chance to reunite with all your friends and family in one place. But is that the main reason why you’re getting married?
Do you just want to have a big party and be the center of attention? Weddings last several hours, but a marriage lasts forever. Don’t plan for just one day, rather, plan for the rest of your lives. Think about how your everyday life will be with your partner, even when you’re not the center of attention.

3. You have lived your own life and you’re
mature: Some people get married right after graduating from secondary school and remain together till death, but that is not very common. According to studies, it is advisable to wait until you’re about 25 or older before getting hitched. By then you are more mature and you’ve lived your life. This doesn’t mean that you have to date everyone that comes your way, but you’ll get the chance to meet different people and realize what you want and what you don’t want in your life. This will help you pick the right partner.

4. You have a meaningful relationship: Maybe at the beginning of your relationship, you and your partner flirted, went out a lot, stayed in bed a lot. However, if you’re getting married,
you need to have a deep relationship. Deeper than just having fun all the time, going out every night, being carefree. You need to be able to tackle tough issues together.

5. You know and trust your partner: Regardless of how long you two have been together, you need to know your partner completely. Don’t get married just because you’ve been dating for many years. Get married because you know your partner very well. You know their
past and you know their hopes and dreams. You can imagine their reactions to certain things. You know all this and you still love them. Beyond that, you trust them. Trust is vital for a marriage, so make sure you can trust your partner completely.

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